Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Best Sales Pitch

 Selling comes down to providing value to the customer. 

That's it. 

If you have something that ameliorates a pain point you get the sale. 

A hot dog cart at a busy intersection around lunch time wins regardless if there is a better hot dog a few blocks away. 

There have been good books on this topic but Harry Browne's 'Secret Of Selling Anything' probably is the most concise and efficient at delivering the information.  

However, if you have read anything about Edwin Land, founder of Polaroid, he might have the sales pitch I have ever read. 

Edwin recently developed polarized glass. This technology blocks out part of the light wavelength to reduce glare but keeps vision sharp unlike tinted glass that simply everything darker.  

To sell this new technology he has a sunglass company come to his western facing high-rise suite around sunset. With the sun blasting through the windows the company comes in squinting to see Edwin. He apologizes for the glare and says 'I bet you can't even see the fish tank by the window the sun is so bright'.  

He hands out his new polarized sunglasses and the pain of the glare is instantly removed. He asked the executives 'how many fish do you see now?'

They all answer correctly and got the sale. 

It would have been one thing to put them in front of powerpoint slides* and tell them about this new polarized technology but it was a masterclass in demonstrating value to have the sun destroy their retinas and give them the treatment. 

Not every sales pitch for your product, or your raise, or getting a date will be that demonstrative but if you think on those lines you will be better off than most. 


* The horrors of powerpoint had not yet existed back in the 1930's when Edwin Land invented polarized glass so a typical presentation would have looked closer to print outs or projections. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Power To The People

Ben Franklin's 'The Pennsylvania Gazette' was one of two papers in Philadelphia in the early 1700's. The other papers owner was also the postmaster. This access provided by the government position allowed him direct access to subscribers as he didn't allow Franklin's Gazette to be delivered through the mail. 

By 1737 Franklin won't the postmaster job and immediately recognized the advantage of having direct access to his subscribers as a result the Gazette became more profitable.  

Similar to today's world where social media accounts are at the whims of the businesses. Incorrect posts can get you down regulated, shadow banned, or publicly banned. 

Having direct access to your audience is crucial. 

The task of building this type of audience is more difficult. It is easier to to hit a like or follow button than find a newsletter or blog and follow.  

The asymmetry works in both directions though.  It is better to have fewer subscribers or followers of something you control. It likely is better by an order of magnitude.  

100 people that open your email newsletter is better than 1000 followers on Twitter (X). Like Kevin Kelly's '1000 True Fans' there is simply a higher level of bond for those that self select in. 

The hard is what makes it good and lasting.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Technology and Housing

 Technology is an innovation that reduces fiction costs. 

Steam engines replaced horse power. Reducing the need for raising, feeding, and sheltering work horses. 

Computers replaced people. In 1950 there was about 350,000 switch board operators working. A few computers replaced that job and reduced the costs it took to make a phone call.  

It doesn't make sense that industries like realty having had the benefit of technology for the past 50 years. Reducing the friction costs at every level of the process and yet still charge the same 5-6% commission. 

Selling a house 50 years ago was much more intensive. Even with fax machines, computers, digital photography, internet, and Zillow having come along the costs is still the same. 

That is not congruent. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Concept and Theme

Have you ever read a piece in the newspaper or anywhere else and stopped after the first sentence or two? Or unfortunately read the entire article only to think to yourself 'that sucked'?  

Most people who write will sit down and stream consciousness then go back to ensure it is edited for grammar.  

The hardest part of writing happens before you start. 

Thinking deeply on Concept and Theme of what you are about to write. 

Concept is your innovate take on what you are about to write. A person will not rewrite 'Die Hard' but will write 'Die Hard but in a submarine'. Or the concept of government corruption such as Tammany Hall but what about the concept of something like Tammany but happening for a small county in Virginia.  


Theme's are the message you are conveying. The theme needs to be driven into every part. Theme's such as identity, power, death, loneliness. It is your core message that comes through ever character and every arc. 

It is difficult though and that is why most don't do it. You read a journalist and you get some facts listed in chronological order and then a couple quotes from both sides of the issue.  No concept. No Theme. 

It is scary because it is an exercise in 'Why should anyone read this shit' and you might not like the answer. 

Friday, July 26, 2024


 Having a deep understanding of a subject allows you to express your knowledge in simple way.

'Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication' as they say.

Taking away the superfluous. Understanding how something truly works can lead you to a final end state that is a pure expression of its intrinsic value. 

Those are the best writers*, the best products and best conversations. It gives you the big ideas, delivered in simple ways and does not add anymore than necessary. 

If lack of knowledge is the father of complexity then ego is the mother. 

Ego feels the need to add on unnecessary concepts, hype, or adjectives to demonstrate wanting value.

A PhD dissertation in a STEM field is about 200 pages. In Social Sciences it's closer to 300.  Einstein's paper on that had the Theory of Relativity in it was 30 pages. 

The more complicated someone tries to make a concept indicates either their lack of understanding or their lack of humility. 

Be the person that wants to constantly take away the unnecessary. Minimalism is mastery. 


*I am roughly 4 billion miles away from being a good writer but I enjoy reading them.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Power of Tinkering

As a trained Intelligence Analyst for the US Army we have a motto - "Jack of All Trades, Master of None"

We know a little about a lot and that makes us more useful than most. 

The question is did that training incept my lifestyle or was I this way and found a way to apply it professionally?  

I enjoy learning new things. Going from zero to one. 

Applying energy towards something for short bursts is enjoyable.  

So I find myself in life that can kinda, sorta do a lot of very different things but none of them as well as the best professionals.  

That makes me better in a lot of ways but with some very serious tradeoffs and limitations. 

Most people cannot be a PhD or a speciality MD. It is a rare breed to be able to have a drill deep on a small surface area. Thankful those people exist. 

Most people can do what I do. Learn a little about a lot. The more areas, tradecraft, abilities you can learn a little in makes your circle of competence a touch wider. 

Before you know it you find yourself in the company of one. A person who only has your experiences, abilities, skillsets, and knowledge. 

That can be very valuable. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024


 Ronda Rousey said in an interview "I'm not a Do Nothing Bitch".  She was referencing that she works out so she can win fights not to look good but once I heard this (and laughed) I have said it a lot.  

Mallory said to me the other night at the dinner table something to the effect of 'I'm really happy you didn't just become a typical stay at home. You keep pushing yourself to learn and do new things. I am happy for you but really happy for me that you are still growing'. 

That made me happy to hear. It was a great compliment. 

The cost to this behavior is routine can get boring and disengaging for me if there is not some growth or production I am putting my energy towards. 

I like learning new things and I am thankful for her support because I am sure this is non-optimal in ways. 

But I am not a Do Nothing Bitch.  

The Best Sales Pitch

 Selling comes down to providing value to the customer.  That's it.  If you have something that ameliorates a pain point you get the sal...