Tuesday, January 23, 2024

What could go wrong?

It is not very often that am envious of the habits of my parents. One comes to mind - my Mom's retirement blog.  Her and Dad were visiting on their first road trip south for the winter and they stopped by Virginia en route to Florida. Mom mentioned she wanted to document their RV'ing lifestyle and I helped her get a blog going. That was 6 years ago now and she has been pretty consistent with it. 

It is not for making money or fame but for posterity. I read it now and again and think that is a nice reference to have for the future. Publications are different than pictures in the same way listening to a hour long podcast is different from a couple minute home video record on the phone. It feels more personal. 

I tried this once before and failed. Not failed with a capital 'F' but didn't follow through. I started a blog in 2023 thinking it was going to be a slow year and ended up running for County Supervisor* and I prioritized my time on the campaign.  

This attempt is leaner, faster - in hopes of making it a habit. I am reading the book 'Bird by Bird' and taking the lesson that consistent writing is its own reward.  

Some of these posts will be long think pieces. Others will be journal entries of my life. Still some others will be past recollections or short pithy advice I want my son's and daughter to have access to later.  

This is low stakes so what could go wrong...


*I lost but it WAS THIS CLOSE



The Brad Rykal Brief Podcast


Do what you say, and say what you'll do.  Signaling to people what you will do and when you will do it. Then following through. Over and...